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Everything about the actual difference, Anton Forsdik

Nel cortometraggio Everything about the actual difference, per la regia di Anton Forsdik, invece, il giovane regista svedese decide di raccontarci le sue paure ed ansie verso il futuro quasi adottando un flusso di coscienza, in cui il personaggio principale non sembra essere protagonista della sua vita e vede dall’esterno il suo sé futuro.


Miglior colonna sonora

Miglior colonna sonora: Everything about the actual difference – Sean Sigfried (ritira il premio il regista Anton Forsdik)


Everything about the actual difference was a very sincere movie

Everything about the actual difference was a very sincere movie, we loved how you managed to channel all these emotions in a very short time. It is remarkable at your young age to be so complex and yet so clear on your topic. Everything about the actual difference was a very sincere movie, we loved how you managed to channel all these emotions in a very short time. It is remarkable at your young age to be so complex and yet so clear on your topic.

Alberto Di Caro

Everything about the actual difference, Anton Forsdik

Nel cortometraggio Everything about the actual difference, per la regia di Anton Forsdik, invece, il giovane regista svedese decide di raccontarci le sue paure ed ansie verso il futuro quasi adottando un flusso di coscienza, in cui il personaggio principale non sembra essere protagonista della sua vita e vede dall’esterno il suo sé futuro.


Miglior colonna sonora

Miglior colonna sonora: Everything about the actual difference – Sean Sigfried (ritira il premio il regista Anton Forsdik)


Everything about the actual difference was a very sincere movie

Everything about the actual difference was a very sincere movie, we loved how you managed to channel all these emotions in a very short time. It is remarkable at your young age to be so complex and yet so clear on your topic. Everything about the actual difference was a very sincere movie, we loved how you managed to channel all these emotions in a very short time. It is remarkable at your young age to be so complex and yet so clear on your topic.

Alberto Di Caro